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Thursday, 26 January 2012

Survey Results

Our group conducted a questionnaire on SurveyMonkey, this allowed us to reach a wider audience. We gained some interesting responses to questions, a few of which are detailed below.

We asked:
Do you think that games consoles appeal to a specific gender?


  • One the most part, many games are masculine ideals: sport, war, cars etc
  • Men seen to play video games a lot more than women, well at least in my circle of friends.
  • due to the type of games associated with their "big releases" such as xbox and call of duty
  • Popular console games tend to sell because of violence, with many of this season's releases being testosterone powered First Person Shooters, or if it is a game with a female character, they will be dressed in a way that will make boys but the game. There is nothing to say that it isn't for girls, girls can play games just as well as boys, but games get targeted at boys primarily.
  • Most popular games are violent
  • tend to always be games appealed to male gender as in action adventure, explosions and fights
  • Microsoft seem to market more towards the male gender, by advertising a lot of war, and battling games (with mostly male characters) However, Nintendo DS and Wii seem to be marketed towards the female gender by featuring female artists such as the Saturdays playing nintendogs etc.
  • Aimed more to men than girls in how they're created and how they're promoted
  • Seem to appeal more to boys.

Out of the following, which do you feel has the least realistic female representation?

Lara Croft
Grand Theft Auto
Resident Evil 0.0%0
The Legend of Zelda
Halo 0.0%0
Beyond Good and Evil 0.0%0
When asked why people stated that:

 The only females I ever saw on GTA were prostitutes!
Due to the animation and behaviour of female characters, very futuristic
Out of the given options, Grand Theft Auto paints most women as prostitutes. At least Lara Croft and Jill Valentine from the Resident Evil series are painted as strong, independent women that, if not representitive, at least gives a good role model. In Halo, the only woman is Cortana, who is computerised, but it doesn't really say anything about gender.
Half the world female population aren't prostitutes
Grand theft auto seems to present women as unrealistic as possible eg. Prostitutes. This doesn't portray the majority of women in reality what so ever.

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